Thursday, 27 December 2012

Snow's Fall

This is a poem I wrote a while ago, but I've held off posting it.

It brings the same promise of redemption, renewal and revitalization that a baby did long ago. A baby we celebrate with a White Christmas. I hope you enjoy:

The world falls silent

Creation holds its breath
Time is frozen in misty state
the world has paused
and for the slightest instant
transcendent peace descends
forcing humanity to respond in hushed tones.

And with this peace falls snowflakes
majestic in their manner
dropping so slowly from above that they might
instead, be traveling back towards Heaven.

Each snowflake is a unique dancer
keeping in perfect harmony
all individuals working together for one moment,
one message
of pirouettes and chasses
flawless in each motion
remaining in the rhythm of the wind
swaying to the silent song of a million stifled voices.

It is no wonder the world stops to watch
Their captivating fall
a million shooting stars
traveling through the universe for this one performance
with all of Earth as their audience.

But the chill bites
And Creation responds
No longer an artist’s work
But cold, sharp edges.

Yet this is all the crystals have,
this is their one time on the stage
So their dance becomes more urgent,
pleading with Creation's wandering eyes,
trying to regain their fleeting audience.

They become a problem requiring a solution,
left to be trodden on by feet that had once stopped to marvel,
tainted with bile and filth dragged along by the shoes
Crushed into conformity
and pushed aside

No longer beautiful beams of starlight
No longer revered
No longer loved.

Their only release comes with the sun
in his rays lie the promise of a new start,
A second chance
To live the dance once more
But on a different stage
With different music.

The transformation burns
it sears the snowflake's flesh
stripping them of all they have
liquifying their essence to allow for ascent

Back to Heaven.
Back to Perfection.
Back to Cherished.

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