Well I suppose now that I've told you all about my past, I could maybe tell you more about my present.
More specifically why I haven't been able to write all that recently.
Caution I am not really sure where this will go, but chances are it will not get there eloquently.
This week has not been one of my best, medically speaking.
Okay, so maybe it has been more like a week and a half.
I guess it started on Wednesday the 24th when I had a pretty bad allergic reaction. Don't get me wrong I was not covered in hives or going into epileptic shock, but according to my friend (who is training to be a nurse) my throat was swollen and had pustules, which meant that all during my night class (which night classes are awful anyway) my throat was closing and it was harder for me to talk.
Now, I've been aware of my mild allergy to onions, but this was the first time they caused any more harm than a stomach ache. The change more than mildly concerned me because onions are in everything. Goodbye to Italian food for me. Depressing.
So that was the first.
Then this last Wednesday (yes on Halloween) I decided I could risk eating chicken parmesan at the cafeteria, provided I was skimpy on the sauce and just picked out any onions I could see. Wrong choice. This time however, I was prepared with a Benadryl in my backpack, so instead of dying from lack of oxygen, I was falling asleep in class.
Then on Thursday I had a mental breakdown about my ability to eat in the caf when so many things have onions, and if I couldn't eat there why would I pay for a meal plan, so then I started the process of trying to get out of that meal plan which which, I found out my school makes pretty much impossible.
On Friday things were looking better.
Partially because I knew I was going to be swing dancing that night.
And I love to dance.
Unfortunately the feeling is not mutual.
Once we actually started dancing, I only got a few songs in before I got dizzy.
And I know how to spot, so the dizziness was not in reaction to the spins.
And the migraine hit full force after that.
So Friday night, all of Saturday and most of Sunday I spent in my bed, almost unable to get out of it.
And yesterday when I did finally get out of bed, I work up with a cold.
A cough that was so bad I had to step out of my morning class to try and control myself.
Super Ideal.
And to top it all of I have had four nosebleeds in the last 24 hours.
One of which while writing this post.
My body is not a wonderland John Mayer.
My body is just weird.
I think it thinks I'm like eighty or something.
Oh Love! Thats just no fun! Maybe John is right though, but it's a wonderland for sickness and blah....