Lately I've noticed that if there is a pen nearby, somewhere within my reach, I cannot help but pick it up.
It is like my hand doesn't feel complete without the addition of the creative freedom a pen allows.
It is if God shaped my hand perfect for the pen to be inserted into.
In fact I bet He did.
For it is when I grasp my familiar friend I feel at home, it is when my muscles relax and my mind finds rest.
And it is when I can hear God's voice the clearest.
Or maybe it is when I really take the time to listen.
He made someone who needs to write, someone who has had writing "spread its roots into the very depths of [my] heart" (Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet)
And thus my hand searches for the warmth a pen brings, for its ability to inspire life itself.
Psalm 45:1 :)