Sunday, 19 August 2012

Meeting God on a Mountain

This week has been one of my busiest weeks this summer by far, but it has also been one of my best.

I have had so much to say, but I just haven't had the time to dedicate towards putting my thoughts down on paper.

This week one of my dearest and most darling friends flew in to visit me. I took the week off from work and together we explored the beautiful land that is Colorado.

Her first day here I took her up to the mountains for a scenic hike and picnic only to be followed by a majestic mountain trail ride.

We spent the day talking and laughing away, which is something I've needed this summer and have missed until recently.

We talked of all sorts of things, but our conversations always shifted back to one main topic: God.

How we find God in our lives.

Where we meet Him.

All of the things He has done this summer to help aid us in our walk with Him.

And while I think these things would have been said eventually, I believe that they came up more rapidly than they would have because of our physical location.

I don't know if you have ever spent much time in the mountains, but there is this majesty that you can't escape from. Especially in the Rockies. They tend to swallow you whole.

And when you are sitting or standing at the peak there is no mystery as to why Moses met God on a mountain, and why later Jesus prayed to His Father there.

Because God is more apparent through His creation in the mountains. There is a stillness in the air that silently prepares your heart for the whisper of the Maker.

And all you have to do is listen for it. 

So while my friend has returned home and I will once more go to work monday morning, I am trying to hold on to the Immenseness of His Presence.

It might take a few more trips up to the mountains to remind me...

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