Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Treading in the Tempest

For what seems longer than eternity,
I have been victim to this storm's torment
The flashs of lightning always forcing me to loose my bearings,
The thunder deafens and disorients
Gushes of wind tear me from my footing
The violent waves without cease.

My clothes are soaked in the biting tears
My hands rubbed raw from clinging to my makeshift raft
My bones frozen and stiff from the cold
My mind can see no avail.

The wind deafens my thoughts
with its vicious scream
The salt water stings in bitterness
All that remains of calm is a vague memory
a drift in my mind.

My lips are cracked and bleeding for the constant attack
My eyes swollen and red
My lungs cry out for a respite
My heart cries out for some help.

A ray of light
A seagull's cry
provide a break in my endless night

The smallest rainbow
is seen through the single beam.
My personal reminder
I will again see the light of day.

This pocket-sized promise
holds springs of hope eternal

The rain will eventually halt.

And in the midst of my tempest,
My darkest nightmares come to life
I am not alone in my fight to survive.

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