I hope that by now I have expressed how I feel about the power that words can hold. But there is something that is still more powerful: Action.
Yes I know, what a cliche.
But honestly, there must be at least some truth to all cliches, otherwise they would not have become cliches.
For example, the cliche "Many hands make light work" can hardly be argued with. In most scenarios having a set of extra hands does decrease the work load. Pure logic.
Another one that rings true is that "a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link." Obviously if you were to lift a car above your head by the means of a chain (don't ask me why you would do this) you would want all of the links to be strong enough to support the weight. Because all it takes is one small link to falter in order for you to paper thin on the sidewalk.
But now for the one I am specifically referring to: "Actions speak louder than words"
This has become especially true to me in the last few days.
I've said before that words only have significant power in the hands of someone who knows how to use them significantly well and I think that is where the action is able to prevail.
There are such things as empty words. I have heard them the last few days too often for my comfort in fact.
I know these words hold no meaning because every act the people who have uttered them directly contradicts the words themselves.
They might for example say that they care about me and never wanted to hurt me, yet they acted in a manner that they knew would hurt me.
Somehow the two do not add up.
And yet when asked which of the two is the one most viable, action always emerges triumphant.
I have determined that this is because there are so many different meanings when it comes to words, so many things left ambiguous.
There is the speakers interpretation, the listener's, third party, so on an so forth, until the words become so muddled in the miscommunications that the statement must be altered in order to bring clarity.
With action this is not true. Yes there are intentions, but the act itself, and the effects that correlate are not subjective, at least not to the same degree as words.
And furthermore an action cannot be restated when there is a misunderstanding. Actions can not be undone. They can be forgiven, forgotten, but never undone.
But it is far easier to work around a misleading statement than it is with an action because while it is common to fall victim to the illness coined "word-vomitting," an action normally requires more thought before one can physically commit a negative, in this case, deed.
So as much as I believe in the infinite power that words can hold, I do believe the quintessential cliche that states actions say far more about a person's nature. So while we must remember that are words can do far more damage than we often credit them for, we must also be aware that actions are unable to be erased from a page and that once a choice is made, you must learn to live with it ("You've made your bed now you have to sleep in it").
So here I am, a girl who makes her passion words, saying, screaming
"Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions." 1 John 3:18 NLT
ReplyDeleteThank you for you sharing your deepest thoughts with us. I am at awe at what beauty, wisdom and vulnerability look like together.